Sunday, February 8, 2015

I Am So Vulnerable

I admit it, sometimes I am so set in my own ways that I overlook what God is telling me to do. That NEEDS to change. I need to make God my first priority, to make more time to talk to Him everyday. I am going to start now!

I went to the Quiet Place in the Biblical Studies Building a week ago. This is a place where you can come to do homework, study or to pray and seek God. Each room has a journal or two where you can write down prayers. I don't really know my reason for coming in here but as soon as I started reading some of the prayers, I realized I, too, was having some of the same struggles as my classmates.

Tears formed in my eyes and I had no idea why. I felt so overwhelmed with His LOVE. I am so vulnerable. It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes. I get emotional when worshiping and I feel the Holy Spirit every time. However, I have some confessions to make.

Dear God,

I cannot remember the last time I just sat down and talked to you. In my busy life at college, I have not put You first and that is NOT okay. I want to change that. I think the reason that I feel overwhelmed with school is because I don't spend enough time with You, God. Afterall, this is not my home.

In chapel a few days ago, the lead singer talked about how You spoke through him. The speaker spoke about how there are people in the audience that are wanting more alone time with God. I thought this was amazing how You, God, spoke through him to me and probably other people in the audience as well.

I don't know what I want to do with my life but I know that you brought me here for a specific reason. You have a plan for me. If You reveal to me Your plan, I will follow. I need to take my faith and You more seriously.

I need your guidance Lord.

Much Love,

Angela Paige


  1. I know you will give him more of your alone time. You are determined. And He loves you so much and wants that relationship with you. You are wise beyond your years. That's a compliment, btw.
